Frequently asked questions.

What do participants wear to class?

Girls generally wear a leotard, no tights or skirts. Stretchy shorts and a t-shirt work fine too without snaps, buttons, or zippers. Boys wear stretchy shorts and a t-shirt. In the winter stretchy pants can be worn. Hair must be pulled back. Bare feet work great to prevent slipping on the mats. No jewelry is permitted except for small earrings.

When is tuition due?

Tuition is due when you register. Tuition can be paid bi-annually or annually. Payments can be made with cash or check.

What is the best way to communicate?

Email works great for any questions you may have. We also have an email mailing list. We send out emails about special events and weather cancellations at Flipside. If you are not receiving emails, please email us at and ask to be added to the list.

Are parents required to stay?

Parents are only required to stay if you have a young child that will need help in the bathroom. Parents are welcome at any time. Feel free to observe or run errands if you’d like to. Please walk younger children in and come in to get them. We do not want them to wander into the parking lot alone, for their safety.

How is their progress tracked?

We have “Star Sheets” for each student. Every few weeks students will bring them to show their parents at the end of class. When the sheet is full, they take it home and start the next sheet. Star sheets include skills on each event, as well as conditioning.

Can tuition be pro-rated if we miss a class?

Tuition cannot be pro-rated. This is because the expenses are the same for us if students are there or not. Many classes are full and have waiting lists. You are paying for a spot in the class. Make-ups for illness are allowed. You must let us know before you miss if you will be gone and would like to do a make-up. Make-ups need to be limited to one every eight weeks. If you take time off, you are still required to pay for that time in order to keep your spot. We have a week off at Christmas and Spring break. We do not do make-ups for those weeks or for other holidays that fall on class days. They are built into our schedule.

What should I do if my child is sick, has a fever, or has head lice?

Please let us know and keep your child out of class until their fever has been down for 24 hours, or until they are 100% clear.

Are you closed when Zeeland Public Schools are closed due to weather?

Not always. Sometimes the roads are better by the time we have class in the evening. We have students coming from many areas. Parents can use their own judgment and stay home if the roads are bad near them. We try to stay open whenever possible, for those who wish to venture out. We do not want anyone putting themselves in danger to make it to class. We allow for up to one snow day per year (per class day) that we do not make-up. After that, classes will be made up. We will send emails when we cancel.